Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day

Well, Happy Valentines day, How are you guys celebrating today? Tell me your true love stories. If you have none, Share with me, your heart breaks. Maybe soon I will leave mine with you. until next time. I leave you in peace and love.

Monday, February 12, 2007

I want to know, share with me?

Today, is a new day of blogging. where will it lead me? Will people be open, and share their stories with me? I guess, only time will tell.
what can I learn from you? What do you find intriguing?
I want to know what you know. I want to hear what you have to say.
talk back, and let me try to read between the lines of your life.
I really want to know who you are. What is your family like? good? not so? How big is your family, what kind of values do they hold dear. what traditions do you have? Have you been spoiled? mistreated? Do you consider yourself rich? What does rich mean to you?
Whatever you would like to share with me, I would like to hear. And I hope to learn from you. I want to hear your stories.
I won't judge, I just want to listen & learn.
You can ask my opinion, but I won't give advice, I may just give you another question to think on, or, another angle, to view from.
Sometimes just being able to share with someone, who will just listen, helps to sort things out. give it a try.
I may need to hear your viewpoints from time to time too. Hope to hear from you soon.
I leave you in peace and love.